Sharefest 2025
This year we are participating in Sharefest. Sharefest is a one day event for churches around the city to serve schools in the district.
It will take place on April 26 from 8am to noon. Our church will be serving McCarter Elementary School. We will spread mulch, clean up, paint, etc. All ages are welcome to come serve.
Each person must register because there are limited spots.
In the dropdown menu for affiliated church select “Remnant Church” so that they will keep us together.
There will be donuts to kick off the day and hotdogs for lunch after we’ve completed our projects.
Looking forward to serving with you all. Let me know if you have any questions.

Christmas Eve Service
We would love to have you celebrate Christmas with us. We will gather for a Christmas Eve service at 4pm at 2303 SW College Ave.
We will sing together, have a Kids story and look at the birth story of Jesus.
Come celebrate the great truth that in Christ, God has come to us! He is the hope of all the world!

Church-wide Christmas Carol and Potluck
Join us for an evening of fellowship, food and fun!
Bring soup, salad, or dessert to share, an acoustic instrument of choice (we’ll have Kazoos for all attenders), and wear your best Christmas attire.
We will have dinner and then gather around to sing and play some Christmas carols together. Invite friends and family!

Fall Festival
On Thursday, October 31, we will host a fall festival. We will have games, candy, food and fun.
Costumes are encouraged and there will be a chili cook-off. Bring your friends and family.
If you would like to sign up to serve that evening, please do so here.

Vacation Bible School
VBS will take place June 12-14 from 9:30-noon each day. It is for children ages 4 to 11 and will take place at Stout.
On Sunday, June 16, we will conclude VBS with a family fun day celebration immediately after church until 2pm. We will have inflatables, food and games.
Please register your kid(s) below.

Serve Day with Keep America Beautiful
On Saturday, April 27, we’ll serve together by cleaning up trash around Stout Elementary and around the Shunga Trail Skate Park. We’ll meet at Stout at 10am. Each person serving will receive a free t-shirt from Keep America Beautiful. Register to serve and include shirt size below.

Easter Sunday
Join us as we gather in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Jesus came and lived a perfect life, dying in our place for our sin and was raised from the grave, conquering death and securing our eternal hope. This is the most wonderful news!
Bring friends, family, coworkers, classmates, neighbors, whoever you can think of to come celebrate with us!
After service we'll have an egg hunt for the kids and lunch on the lawn/parking lot of Stout Elementary. If you plan to eat with us, bring a side or dessert (you can drop it on the table in the media room before church and we'll put it out after service). Also, don't forget a lawn chair or blanket.
In the case of rain, we will move the cookout inside. We look forward to seeing you!

Good Friday
We would love to have you join us for Good Friday. We call it “good” because of what Jesus’ death means for the redemption of the world.
Come and join us at 6pm at Stout Elementary.

Church-wide Cookout
Sunday, September 3, we’ll have a cookout at Stout Elementary. Invite friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. Bring a side to share or a dessert along with a blanket or lawn chair. Come enjoy an afternoon of fellowship!