Life Transformation Groups

Life Transformation Groups (LTGs) are the smallest gatherings in our church. LTGs are groups of 2-3 individuals of the same gender who gather weekly or biweekly for 1-2 hours to encourage one another to live in light of God’s grace in Jesus Christ.

The aim of Life Transformation Groups is three-fold:

  1. Discuss how the Scriptures have been impacting life. (we recommend your group all committing to our church’s bible reading plan.)

  2. Confess and repent of sin and celebrate what God is doing in your life.

  3. Pray together. Pray specifically for one another and for friends who do not follow Jesus.

If you’d like to start a Life Transformation Group, we’d encourage you to find someone within Remnant to meet with regularly. Consider someone in your City Group, or someone you sit next to on Sundays.

If you are finding it difficult to find someone to meet with, we’d love to help! Fill out the form below and we’ll do our best to match you with someone who has similar availability.